This much I know to be true ... March 2022
This much I know is true …
If not invited, don’t go.
If not welcome, find an exit.
Never turn down an invitation. If they care enough to want you there, then
care enough to put on some pants and go.
Don’t waste a moment on anyone who doesn’t care.
If they show you that they don’t care, believe them.
Listen to your heart; not what ‘they’ say.
When someone goes crazy nuts trying to prove they are
NOT in the wrong….then they are in the
You can’t look good making someone else look bad. And one should always look good …
When in doubt, leave it out.
If it feels good, do it.
If it is illegal, don’t do it.
Enjoy your best things now … old quilts? Use them.
Best china? Use them. Fancy
Waterford crystal? Let the cat drink
from them.
Righty tighty, lefty loosey.
A dog or cat make the best napkin… wipe your fingers on them
and you both win.
If I had a lick of sense, I’d know the exact measurement of
a ‘lick’.
At odds with myself.
A dear friend used that expression last week… we both had a decision to
make and when I asked her what her decision was… she replied .. “I’m at odds
with myself”… love that phrase and I guess everyone has been in that situation
Had to pay an arm and a leg for that. Now, really.
You had to cut off an arm and a leg in order to purchase? My luck I was shopping for gloves and shoes.
There is a name for people who enjoy others’ miseries and
despise others’ accomplishments. It’s a
damn good word for damn ugly-acting people.
It’ll come to me soon… when I least expect it.
I like the following phrases but over think their ‘root
--These are handpicked. (So, we don’t pick them with our
--Everything’s better with Blue Bonnet on it. (I just like saying that; absolutely
disagree… I mean… not EVERY SINGLE SOLITARY THING is better with blue bonnet on
it.. dead armadillo on side of road for four days comes to mind first…)
--I’m a day late and a dollar short.
--Politically, there should be an ‘off ramp’… I’m ready for
this phrase to be removed from discussions… along with ‘to your point’ …
‘iconic icon’ … ‘stay in your lane’ … I haven’t seen you in ‘a minute and a
--Wild as Cooter Brown.
I like Cooter Brown.
I still say ‘buzz cut’ or even ‘burr hair cut’ … you know what I mean.
If it’s not one thing, it’s another … from the Most Obvious
Who in their ‘right mind’ … (hate speech to diminish my
intelligence capacity… hear this yelled at me … often more than not … )
All Hell broke loose … (love this phrase of course)
Don’t be getting on to me!
She was mad and called me and got on to me. Get off of me. Why you getting on me?
When people say, “I want to apologize”… that’s not an
apology. That is saying you WOULD LIKE
TO apologize… not that you actually do … say, “I apologize …”
The worse apology? “I
am sorry you got your feelings hurt”… not “I am sorry I was a Cooter Brown,
didn’t take the off ramp, and hurt you with my words. It won’t happen again”.
When you are Number One, everyone, and I mean, everyone …
takes their best shot at you… they save their best shot for the top cat.
Awful lot. I love you
an awful lot.
Don’t go looking for trouble. This is good advice. I guess in my past I was a big game hunter
for trouble… always finding it, too.
But, not the same person … people do change … If you still carrying the bricks from your past,
how can you build a dream house for today and all the forever days?
My dream house has rooms.
With doors. It is a room
concept. I just can’t adjust to the
current trend of cooking in the living room.
And I want ALL master bedrooms and master bathrooms … why have itty
bitty guest rooms with communal baths?
Everyone deserves a master bedroom en suite…
The word ‘tight’… Were
you and your siblings ‘tight’… when you drink a lot, do you get ‘tight’
… underwear should never, ever, ever be ‘tight’…
For the record, I am not a vagrant. I’m a Hobo in Training.
Time has become more precious to me than gold, diamonds and
money. And I do lie a lot.
That much I know to be true…
To be continued… of course… Love you and thank you for being
my friends. I am rich with the love of
others… I am stalwart in the hatred of others… What a great friend they are
missing out on …
That much I know is true …
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