There Should Be No Crying at Graduations! For Reals!

Maybe I’m not human.
I do not understand these Momma’s who cry their eyes out at a child’s graduation.  They bawl.  They cat-er-wall… Stop that cat-er-walling. (I’ve heard that phrase but never seen it spelled or written down…) 
It’s a happy ceremony.  Why do Momma’s cry at graduations? 
I think it makes the graduate feel that Momma thinks this is the graduate’s ‘peak’… no, no, no… there is much more life after high school. 
You should cry when they get their insurance reduction at age 25.  You should cry when they keep a job for longer than a year.  Cry when they can talk to  you as adult to adult, rather than child to adult.
But they have worked hard at graduation… I think as rigorous as school has become since we had the easiest way to a diploma as possible in the history of ever…. We should stand and applaud and smile big. 
I doubt many of us could pass all those standardized tests, put up with the social media mess (I lose more friends than I make thanks to so-called social media—someone actually created an email account with my name and send hate messages to all my longtime friends… ugh… the thing that gets me is that, without proof, friends believed the B.S. – oh, not a degree in this format… Bull Shoot… as if I could say those things… if you believe a lie about me, I don’t need you in my life… Not crying my eyes out at that change of life…
There will be good times.  These will be many.
There will be sad times.  These will be few.  These will need tears, so save them for the sad times.  Mama, you let your babies be graduates… so be happy … if you cry, wipe those eyes and put on a happy face… guess waterproof mascara should be essential at graduations…
These young people walking the stage getting a diploma don’t need anymore tears… they need cheers.
Shows them we are humans…


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