The Ancestry of DNA Kits...

And, so this happened.  About a month ago, a friend gave me a birthday present--one of those 23andMe Ancestry DNA kits.  

It was a hectic time, so I just glanced at the instructions while not wearing my cheater readers....I was shocked and appalled...never in my life had I thought THAT was the specimen....figured it was just a Q tip and I'd rub inside of my it went to the bottom of the 'to do' stack..

The other day, now that things have calmed down....I picked up my cheater readers and re-read the instructions which said to "SPIT" in the glass tube.  Not the other 'S' word I thought I had sworn to have read with my nekkid eyes.

So, I started SPITTING in the test tube and it took about an hour...have you ever tried to spit so much....seemed like a mouth was so dry I was spitting cotton...(old saying by an old man)....

Then I mailed the ginormous bottle of SPIT off to the lab and am awaiting my DNA results.

It's like finding out your life before your life.  I anticipate being related to someone very rich, very OLD, and in need of an heir....just like in the movies....the ones that they use nasty words like "SH*T"....why I thought a well-known product would put a cuss word in their you an indication of my state of mind and my DNA tendency to blindness as well as cursing.


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