Pet Peeve Nation: Prescription Drugs Wear Chasity Belts

Pet Peeve Nation: Why do medicines come in packaging that is harder to open than the Iron Age's chastity belts? I've cut, picked, gnawed my way into the foil and peel-back secured medicine this morning... multiple thumb cuts, self-made hang nails, and loss of a large percentage of my religion.

They actually call the compartments for the pills, "blisters"... as in 'do not remove pill from blister until right before administering.'

Psycho Babble. Psycho Blisters. I have blisters from opening the blisters.

I called the pharmacy and asked if we could get these pills in easier to access bottles? The "angry at me for calling" pharmacy tech said, "What do you want me to do? Come to your house and open them for YOU?"

Come on. Not a loving thing to say. She was a joy-stealing Tasmanian Devil in non-cartoon form.

(Craig's Pharmacy, Green Acres, Tyler ... need to rethink having this person speak while at work. Usually such a great place... Rainy days and Mondays? Best not to bother them...)

I smashed and mashed, split and divided pills... my counter-top looks like it has a tiny little gravel pit of tiny little pill boulders.

My thinking? That's why prescription drugs cost so much... the expensive, albeit impenetrable, fancy drug wrapping...


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