If I Had the Time...

If only I had more time…
I’d try to figure out why people say, “I’m going to draw a bath…”, or “I have your bath drawn…”  When I bathe, I don’t want any drawing!
If I had more time, I’d think on why people say, “it’s clouding up”… yet no one says, “It’s clouding down”.
Once, just once, I'd like to be able to use the word, “skedaddling” in an everyday conversation without getting the ‘once over’…

Well, when someone tells you the absolute truth, they sometimes end it with: "...and you can take that to the bank!"....

Now, what would I do with a bit of information at the bank? No deposits allowed.

Or, when someone is overly excited about something...'he went to town over it'.... as in, "The chocolate pie was cut and he really went to town on it, eating every bite."

People are crabby but crabs, I have experienced, are not in particularly ‘bad dispositions’ to be called 'crabby crabs'....why, oh why, do we call crabby people 'crabby'.... there are other names I can think that describes them more specifically.

Crabs are for cakes.  Happy, happy crab cakes. 

If I had more time, I would behave.  What does behave mean?  There is good behavior and bad behavior… so telling me to ‘behave’ gives me a fork in the road choice and I’ll take it! 

I’ve heard, “A lick and a promise”, when a chore is done but not to the fullest extent or highest regard.

If I had more time, I’d call jars:  Fruit Jars or Canning Jars.  I like when ‘canning’ is used as a noun:  I got all my ‘canning’ done today.  Doesn’t that sound spectacular?

If I had more time, I’d use the phrase, “The evening wore on”… it wears something but ‘on’?  I love that sentence, heretofore: 

The evening wore on. 

You have plenty of time if you think about it.  You just must ‘take’ time.  I cannot ‘make’ time… but somehow, I can ‘take’ it.

If I had the time… and took it… I’d know that I lead a perfectly wonderful life.  Not a stinker of a life… but every job, every friend, every experience has been drawn to perfection. 

At the right time.  Honors and awards that I once thought important and valued are in a box in the barn.  I take the leaf blower and blow off the dust a couple of times a year.  All those work-related worries that clouded over my happiness once no longer wear on.  I retired at the right time.  My time now is all about caregiving… caring and giving care.  A career that every moment up to now prepared me.  Every moment. 

Now, I do have time.  It is glorious.  And you can take that to the bank! 


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