Thoughts on July the 3rd 2017

I've been thinking about images--moments in one's life--that strike the heart and set it blooming like a wild flower, images that open up some much, much larger beauty that if you spent your whole life searching for and never find.  The images, those moments in life just happen.  Never planned.  Never the way you imagined.  I have many of those images and my heart loves beauty in all forms; the images make my heart grow.  I would not trade for them.  Yet, describing those moments is close to impossible.  You have the same.  I think that is what we will take with our soul--those images of great beauty and touching moments in our lives.  Nothing else truly matters.  

Some funnies:

The people who need firecracker safety tips aren't the people who read firecracker safety tips....

Always remember and don't ever forget...He who goes forth with a fifth on the Fourth MAY not go forth on the Fifth! 

There are two secrets to success in Life.  #1:  Never tell everything you know.

I’ve come to the sad realization nobody will ever triumphantly pour Gatorade on me for any reason.  There's just so much disappointment in my life.

I bet the YMCA dance is a lot harder to do in Chinese.

I find it highly suspicious that the three bears had the dexterity to buy furniture and make porridge in the first place, not to mention making up the bedding.  And getting a charge card....all highly mysterious to me.

What I’m really looking for in a friend is loyalty. And a pool. Mainly just a pool.

It would be kind if some people performed random acts of silence.

I  heard that people who talk to themselves tend to be extremely smart. Did you know that? Yes, I did know that. Did you?  But, of course, I think I was the one who told you in fact....

So if I keep "my enemies closer", then my real friends get jealous and they become my enemies, thus I keep them closer and then my old enemies who were close get jealous, so's a never ending cycle.


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