Croatia Trip Unedited
been in some form of motion for more than 37 hours. need sleep. got to our hotel in croatia after long bus ride from Venice. will see 15th century cathederal and what is called one of the most beautiful tiny mountain villages but have no waz of spelling it at this point.žž
The national Beer is something like Gloriaigotyou....named after a townžž
the national soccer shirts are red and whitež
the currencz is kuna which is a little animal like a mink and their currentcy was at one time based on fur....interesting....not gold...but little kunas.....žž 5 equals one dallaržžž
croatia has become a huge tourist attraction and it is full of folks now. Cold weather and lots of tourists at a seaside resort žž
will be in touch and be looking for more kuna to spend.
life of borat tour
Saturday, November 22, 2008 11:24 AM
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"Larry GoddardGoddard"
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mz hotel is named the magnolia, it is next door to the camelia, the gardenia, and the lilly. no lie....the garden hotels
Rotarz Club meets at the Camelia
lots of bortz, octopus salads, truffles...which are listed on the stock market here. i alwazs thought thez were mushrooms but found out todaz that thez are actuallz some sort of potato and thez train pigs and ducks to locate them. they were tradomg for $2000 to $3000 todaz for 2.2 pounds
traveled the pennisula of istra todaz žž
scenic drive with amyzing bus driver who somehow manages to keep it around all these corneer and on the lane but looking from the window you cannot see a white line much less any pazment.žž
Found some soccer shirts from Croatiaćs team.
The main department store here is called.....Flair. But not the kind like you wear if zou would at Hoolihans.
Saw a bell tower with a womans statue on it. She was fed to the lions but thez didnćt eat her, so shećs a heroine in this country Go figure.
But if zou hhave seen the movie Borat, the film about his home country with his sister and her title and the neighbor who is jealous of the radio alarm clock he owns....thatćs reallz croatia
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Random Comments about Croatia
Sunday, November 23, 2008 6:49 AM
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"Larry Goddard"
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"Larry Goddard"
--On Croatia TV, "moonlighting" with cybil shepherd and bruce willis from the 1980s and the Croatian versions of "Deal or No Deal", "Wife Swap" and handball. They will have the world championships of handball here and the stadium is this magnificent architecture structure.
--Tour guide begins every conversation with "ladies and germans". We thought at first, he was innocently getting the words confused, then we thought he was sazing a joke and paying tribute to Henny Youngman or George Jessell...hello ladies and gerrms, take my wife...please.We think now that it has gone on for so long that he is being passive aggressive and either calling us jerks or praising us, we have long conversations about this when he is not around but there is not a consensus as yet. Would that be a pun and are puns the lowest form of humor?
--LImited number of emails addressses can be sent since apparently Croatia is the capital of spammers to the United States So I can only send about one third of what I sent from Israel last March. But I am not representing a diplomat in Libya who has been killed in a car crash and you may be the sole heir.
--Grocery store, you know being the germaphobe that I am, I had to check out the grocerz store and it was amazingly clean and sanitizedč great fruits and fresh foods. And my theorz on Mars bars continues....I can find them here, in Europe, in Africa, in Japan, in Israel, but I have not seen one in the USA for years--that is mz theory, now prove me wrong.ž
--Truffles. I ate Truffles. Or more like "Rumor of Truffles" since they were just shavings on linguinič tasted like smoked wood and spattered all over the linguini.
--Celcius Temperature conversion You double it and add 30 to get Farenheit. So if it is 10 C, it is really about 50 degrees F. Had removed this calculation from my horrid memories of 7th grade math.ž
--Mark Twain called his tour guide Ferguson no matter what countrz he visited and that seems like a good idea since their names get all jumbled. We have ROC, which he says is his Christian name after St. Roc. Protector of German Shepherds or something like that.žž The other Guide is named Brane....and we of course call him Brain. But he pronounces it bran-EEE, so there will be little tip for Brannie with the attitude. ž
--Just noticed that on Saturday I fly to London in the afternoon and get there at 8 p.m. I donćt leave for DFW until about noon the next day. I will be at the airport 14 hours. Could have written a screenplay and had Tom Hanks star in the movie about this situation but then I would need a time machine to do it first and if I had the time machine, the flight schedule problem would be fixed alreadz. Have I been alone too long?
--Twp tour buses with 60 on each bus traveling 30 minutes apart on the same routeč this is THE place for tourists. žž
--This morning I was offered pancakes with green peas in them like we would put blueberries. Offered. Not accepted.
--The word for "hello" is Bog. The word for goodbye is Bog. Simple.
--The dollar is stronger against the kuna mink animal currencyč about twice as good as last summerč mink must be worth more in the winter. Seriouslz we get about 5 kuna per dollar and this summer it was onlz 4.
--Serpentine roads with scenic drivesč went from sea level to 2200 km so we are in the mountains and the ice and snow are nice.ž
--On the Dalmatian Coast and yes the Dalmatian dog is from here and all the spots on the dog represent the islands off the coastž
--During 1992-94 Yugoslavia war, more than 94,000 people died and their are now seven states from that former country
--Readking Wally Lambs "The Hour I First Believed" and it is as great at that title. good name for book me thinks
--In this city, Zadar, thez have a statue of a basketball player how rare is that hes a national hero and pla
More later
So now they tell me....
Monday, November 24, 2008 6:24 AM
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The Dalmatian Coast has nothing to do with Dalmatian Dogs. And, here I bought a refrigerator magnet souvenir with a dadgum Dalmatian Dog sitting on a beach on it.
I did tour Split. And, it is wonderful. There is this huge palace that was built in ten years for the retirement home of their king--talk about giving sufficient notice.
Now it is a full of these great shops, some catherals (Yes, ABC Tour--Another Bloody Cathederal...but these reallz are amazing....more than 89% of population is Catholics.)
The palace also has private homes with the lines for dryzing the laudrry on the wheels that bring the line in and out of their windows. Great little citz all in one palace.
Croatia is where neckties were discovered which is great for a necktie collector like me. But the first tie that thez showed me was $475 USD. I told the girl, just out of curiousity to show me the most expensive tie she had in the shop.....It was $3000 threading.....can zou imagine $3000 bucks for a tie and all I do is spill coffee and mz lunch on the dang thing....I did tell her to show me the clearance bin and got a tie for a mere $75 but it is the exact location of the discoverz of the tie. The French armies invaded once and thez saz the Croatia armz wearing these tie things around their necks and called them ćraveats in French. Anzwaz, thought that was cool.
About to go to the Bosnia border and hoping for a stamp in the passport. At Croatia checkpoint thez told me thez ran out of ink which I do believe was a lie but didnćt want to get in a fist fight over that.ž
We expect ice and snow on the daz we planned to go visit Montenegro---the filminng locatio of the Bond movie on if we donćt go to Montenegro due to bad weather I plan to see the NEWEST Bond movie in a Croatian cinema and see where it was filmed...ideas for mz travels usuallz come from Bond films.
The tour guide keeps talking about these forts on the outside of towns and he calls them "fortifications" and I always think he is talking about the fornifications of the city.
One to Dubrovnik tonight for three nights. Look at a map and see these cities in Croatia. The names are wild.
And someone Google, Croatia Basketball Players--they must send us a lot of seven foot giants to plaz NBA the way these guzs talkžž
I have been collecting Teddz Walker, Sam Walker (my friend the head coach of A&M Commerce menćs basketball) beer bottle caps again from all the local beers. The last time I saw Teddy, he siad #Uncle Larrz, I reallz donćt collect those anzmore. Too Bad Kiddo....Itćs fun emptzing the bottles for zour cap collection.ž
More later. Cold Windz May snow or ice Bus on windz Xanax.
Bond James Bond
Tuesday, November 25, 2008 11:49 AM
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Since I decided to come on this trip based on the last James Bond movie I decided to venture out late last night here in Dubrovnik to the Old Town which is a old fortress with modern businesses including a cinemaž
The buses were cheap and ran everzy 10 minutes but i was scared of them for some reason,rainz night, new citz,,žž
Got a cabbie (who was a little gassy it seemed) but was great. Took me to the back of the cinema and dropped me there Movie locations not so great in this version of the james bond series....the worst part of Haitti and Bolivia...not the gold gilded Montenegro.
I really like Dubrovnik. One of the most beaufiul cities, seaside, but surrounded by this Roman era fortrification (not fornification) and the turquoise blue Adriatic storming waves continually. The Old Town is great--2000 residents and 47 chapels....from all demoninations and all well preserved, some have bullet holes from 1992-1995 war but the place is charming, the food (seafood liguini, seafood stew over rice and tons of pastries and hot melt in your mouth bread....and cold beer that I cannot proncoune but just carrz a bottle cap with me in mz pocket and show the waitress each timež
Went to a nightclub and the music was pornographic. Each songs lyrics was just a different version of "Do Me" and ending with the words "Next!" So thatćs why the muzak in elevators is De La Soul circa 1988.
The Fountain pen was discovered in Croatia. So there.
I donćt know much about UNECEF but thez save so manz of these historic structures and I am impressed with their work.
We did cross Bosnia 22 km and Bosnia looks as one would expect but the soccer shirts were cheaper there.
Great exotic trip and thinking of all the blessings of my charmed lifeČ My family, my friends--sociallz and professionallz I have hit the lifetime jackpot of kind and wonderful folks surrounding me. I love mz job and those who are mz colleagues and I am one of the few folks who can saz that at this stage of life.
My Thanksgiving wish is you to know that I am grateful you are part of my life and look forward to continuing our close relationship in 2009--my 50th year has made me appreciate all of my network and you know how I treasure zou.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008 10:33 PM
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This is a small country, 14,000 km2č 670,000 citizens, called The Six Continent Country because in one day you can swim in the mediterranean in the morning and ski the alps in the afternoon.
Crossroads of Europe and Asia.
We will be going to Bay of Kotor, towns of Risan and Kotor, Cintinje, SV Stefan, and Budva. Here are some extras keys on the kezboard (the y and z are switched bz the waz) šćčđž-try dealing with those at 5 a.m.
I think Mars Bars are called Milky Ways in the States
Who does Dallas play on Thanksgiviing
Can someone send me the A&M/Texas score--wonćt that messup the big 12 if a&M wins that one
The have found 4 pyramids nearby. this is a huge discoverz and thez are just now digging. if not a hoax, this will be a major archiological discoverz--that the Egypians (or aliens from the future) setteled this far north in southern Europe.
More later. Save some Greenbergćs turkez for me.
>>> Larry Goddard
Hope everyone is having a wonderful Thanksgiving. I just got the scores from some football games. It is Fridy at 11:15 a.m. here and the temperature is about 25 degrees F. We are in Zagreb, the capital citz and the cathedal here is beautiful. I left the tour to get to internet and check the Cowboys score
I read my return flight dates incorrectlz. I leave at 8 a.m. from the hotel Sunday morning, drive three hours to Venice, sit in the airport until 8 p.m. and then fly to London Gatwick. I have a 14 hour layover in London and change to Heathrow airport. So I get back to DFW at 3 p.m. on MONDAY. I have been confused and am blaming my old age....wonderful to be old now....I forget things and then remember them later and it is like I am learning new things all the time.
Will post photos on Picasa when I return.
We walked several kilometers in the snow on Thanksgiving Day through a beautiful national park with 16 mountainous lakes and waterfalls from all 16 levels. Beautiful and my FIRST White Thanksgiving. The hotel did bake a turkey and we had spinach and potatoes....and lots and lots of their local wine called DEBIT, which can have many undertones related to its name and price.
This citz has 1 million citiyens and the entire countrz has 4 million. Leaving Croatia todaz and will be in Slovenia tonight. Have to get rid of all my Kuna dollars and get Euro dollars.
Hope everzone is happz and healthz see zou next Tuesdaz when I will be in Jet Lag World.
I know I am filling up zour email accounts....
Wednesday, November 26, 2008 2:53 PM
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Went to Montenegro (black mountains), a newish countrz that james bond movie was filmed in but it is NOT like the movie at all. We did a 25 hairpin turn mountain climb....think about it....twenty five turns it looked like MMMMMMM all the waz to the top of the mountain. I have the photos but coulndćt find an internet cafe with photo capabilities.
So motion sick. Wore my seaband motion sickness wristbands we were back and forth and so close to steep edges. But it was the most beautiful view of any i have ever seen we saw Serbia and Albania and the gorgeous blue Adriatic...there needs to be a new word for the shade of blue....more than turqouise, that almost cheapens the beauty of it.
High fives to God for this place. Gorgeous.
Homesick for Thanksgiving. We are doing a long long drive to a national park with ice and snow and mountains tomorrow and lakes some kind of lakes Not the traditional Turkey Day at the Goddard home Visited many churches and chapels todaz and so odd how beautiful the places of worship are but the pitiful conditions of their home in filth but worship in golden palaces....i donćt get it.ž
Driver kept saying Hairpin Curves or was he trying to say Serpentine turns...he is verz ominious alwazs telling us we are going to get killed or robbed or treated badly Man I see mzself in him and hate that. Keep positive, thatćs the ticket
95% of Montenegro is mountains and we went on 95% of them todazž
Happy Thanksgiving
First thing is to NOTworry, but....
Friday, November 28, 2008 11:16 AM
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"Larry Goddard"
We have reallz overstepped our travel ambitions. We traveled across the border to Slovenia and are high in the Alps, which ones, I have no idea but we are covered with several inches of snow and ice. There will be no blod shed in Bled but there may be zellow snow.
I have walked down in the heavz snow to an internet cafe and asked for hot chocolate and it is hot chocolate pudding in a glass.
we maz not be able to travel at all tomorrow and will be at naturećs merczy. We were supposed to visit a castle higher up than this tiny village but I canćt see how we will be able to. Driver is best ever and will take no risks so we will be fine....i have all I need internet and hot chocolate pudding in a glass. I lead a charmed life.
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Bled Slovenia Education Foundation Fundraiser Event
Friday, November 28, 2008 3:31 PM
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Someone told me this summer "Larry, you are such an educator"--they said this because I had coded my Tom Tom GPS system to signal when a school is nearby so I can be sure to slow down (which is a good idea since kids play on school playgrounds all the time not just during school hours).
Anyway, that comment really hit home tonight. I am snowbound in this little town of 5,000 people in the Italian Alps. I went to this place called "Chillis" which served Mexican food with a steam fitter from Pittsburg on the tour. We ordered fajitas which were more like goulash on tortillas, but the margaritas were great.
We noticed a huge crowd of locals going into what is their civic center theatre and was told that the school charity club (education foundation) for Bled schools was having a benefit concert with monez designated for their cross country ski team. So we went. It was 15 euro and the parents were having a bake sale outside.
The foundation had the car dealerships in town sponsor a band called Halo, Evropa featuring Igor and Kvatni and Kjaki. They played polka, opera, barbershop quartet, country, ELVIS, and had this kind of Slovenia American Idol singing competition with some of the best vocal talent Ihave eveer witnessed.
I got to meet with the Executive Director for their education Foundation who organized the event. They had about 1200 attend and they recogniyed donors well and they did drawings for gift bags and the best part was at the end the Executive Director had the 75 or 80 cross country skiers from second grade to 12th graders march in front the back of the auditorium and come on stage with a rousing ovation. It was tremendous.
Their elementary kids won the national title--this is tough area to ski and cross country. It had snowed about a foot and the weather was horrid,but all those donors and parents came out to support those children. ZYou should have seen the faces of those kids when thez were on stage and the crowd (and donors) cheered them.
This was the Divine Hand putting me in the right place. On the schedule, i was supposed to go to a home out in country for a typical Solvenia meal.
Instead, I ate at a restaurant that has never heard of copyright laws (Their Chillis logo looked identical the ones in the US) and went to a foundation fundraiser with a steam fitter union worker. We both said it was the best thing we had done on the trip.
The Elvis singer rocked.
Last Night With Two Days to Go
Saturday, November 29, 2008 11:51 AM
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We traveled to the capital city of Slovenia and it was much like a D.C. Greyline tour only the names were impossible to pronounce. Ate in the fish market which is underground and smells exactly as you are thinking.
We've had about 2 foot snow and that is the most I have experienced. I think 3 inch snows are about all I have ever experienced. Beautiful here; Castle on a tall rocky peak above a lake but we could not get up there, in fact the castle was barely visible in the snow mist. The swans are graceful on the lake and seem to take it all (the beauty and the beast of nature) in stride.
Got some great nutcrackers from a man who made wooden objects. You place a walnut in this nut case and then turn a screw to crack them. The slavic name is Ojkaja or something like that. You really just add "ja" to the end of any string of consonents and that is a word in Slovenia.
I searched and searched for soccer shirts from Slovenia and they laugh at me. Laugh. At. Me. They said they are not proud of their soccer (futbolja) team but like their basketball team. I asked if they had basketball shirts and again....they laughed at me.....this trend is disturbing and need to conclude both my search and my visit here.
It does look like a winter wonderland with the fir trees, mountains, and miedeval architecture. The people are kind and friendly and knit sweaters most of the time it seems.
The food is OK but so ready for an enchilada supreme and a chocolate Sonic malt.
We have a farewell dinner tonight at 7 p.m. I've met many nice folks (doctors, lawyers, psychotherapists...I tried to sit with them the most to get free therapy.) Homepathic Psychologist was the best who gave me tips on my TMJ anxiety problem.
I get on the 8 a.m. bus, travel 3 hours to Venice, and then sit there for 12 hours until my flight (might get a cabbie to 'take me to town'); then fly to London, take a 1 1/2 hour bus ride to the OTHER London airport and sit for 14 hours until I fly to DFW. The first day and the last day of any tour is not fun. In this case, the first two days and the last two days were not fun. But, the middle part was worth it. When I can, I'll make photos available. I think I have a perfect one in the snow for Christmas card.
Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving and look forward to seeing you soon. Thank you for being part of my life.
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