
Showing posts from May, 2019

There Should Be No Crying at Graduations! For Reals!

Maybe I’m not human. I do not understand these Momma’s who cry their eyes out at a child’s graduation.   They bawl.   They cat-er-wall… Stop that cat-er-walling. (I’ve heard that phrase but never seen it spelled or written down…)   It’s a happy ceremony.   Why do Momma’s cry at graduations?   I think it makes the graduate feel that Momma thinks this is the graduate’s ‘peak’… no, no, no… there is much more life after high school.   You should cry when they get their insurance reduction at age 25.   You should cry when they keep a job for longer than a year.   Cry when they can talk to   you as adult to adult, rather than child to adult. But they have worked hard at graduation… I think as rigorous as school has become since we had the easiest way to a diploma as possible in the history of ever…. We should stand and applaud and smile big.   I doubt many of us could pass all those standardized tests, put up with the social medi...

Mind Meandering to a Different Drummer--some funnies for May 4th 2019

Things on and off my mind today.... May 4th 2019; Stars are playing; Kentucky Derby Day; still yelling MAY DAY MAY DAY... which isn't asking for HELP... just that time of year... for about 30 days or so... --A friend will calm you down when you're angry, but a best friend will skip beside you with a baseball bat singing "someone's gonna get it!"... we all know that tune... --The only time the word incorrectly isn't spelled incorrectly is when it’s spelled incorrectly. --If you can't handle me at my worst....then I completely understand, because I can't either! Very difficult. I could SNAP at any MOMENT! Really I can--with both hands! --Dear Yellow Light....Oh, You're Challenging ME? Challenge Accepted. Begin light warp SPEED through intersection.... --My right turn signal has been on; blinking for SEVEN months. I am "that guy".... --So, how long exactly is a "cotton picking minute...