Mind Meanderings, Easter, April 21st 2019, Now and Then, Here and There...

Mind Meanderings, Easter Sunday, 2019
I want less visibility on social media outlets… So…
I’ve incapacitated my accounts with LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, SnapChat, and left several Facebook groups.  I am considering decapitating Facebook… which is now more like Fussbook.
Facebook is the one way to make all those who used to love you begin to hate you; and all those who used to hate you begin to love you. 
I like words like ‘scorch’…. As in, “Everything you cook has some scorch to it.”..
I like the word, “pernicious” but have no idea what it means.
This year, I have come to the conclusion that the remedy is more painful than the ailment.  But, we need to do the remedy.
Is it ignorance or irony that I speak so simply?  (Rhetorical question; no need for ‘honesty hour’ type answers…
I am not political.  But, if I were, I’d run on the platform, “Let’s all play ‘The Quiet Game’.”
Have you ever heard someone say, “He’s worth his salt?” Or… guess it’s worse:  He isn’t even worth his salt.  Hey, pal, if I’m in the red about the cost of my salt, let me know and we will work out a payment plan.  Heck, what is my cost of salt worth?
I like to say, “counter-intuitive” even when it is not appropriate.  Just a cool word to say. 
The saying, “He can lie faster than a dog can trot,” makes me laugh.  And the phrases:  Now and then; here and there.  OK.. make up your MIND… is it NOW or is it THEN?  HERE or THERE?  Those grey area analogies keep me awake at night! 
I like sayings like:  “She’s warm for my form,” “Hoose Gow”, “Paw Paw Patch”, “Aggravation”, “That’s the alcohol talking”, or opening weird package with weirder contents…. “That was Ambien shopping….”
I like books that are in chronological order.  None of these one chapter NOW and the next chapter THEN, and flashbacks in different font and the book’s narration from SAME person.  I read 35 pages of a book first.  Then it goes in the eBay stack.  Or… I read the rest of it.  If it doesn’t grab me in the first 35 pages, then we are not compatible.  And I still buy book books, CD’s, DVD’s, but no more magazines, newspapers, phone books, dictionaries, or thesauruses.  (Say ‘thesauruses’ six times and you will laugh….well, maybe smile…)
I am blunt.  I blurt out things.  You can count on me to be blunt and blurt for your own safety and protection.  I am blunt when it comes to being sanitized and, I guess, baptized, too.  Full immersion, hot shot, full immersion!
Well, my stack of mind meanderings is still a sitting here.  But, the longevity of this read is almost Tolstoy-ian… so I’ll close, now and then, here and there. 
Happy Easter 2019. 


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