Are We On The Same Page? All Is Copacetic If We Should Be.

Have you noticed that the phrase, "Are we on the same page?", is being used an awful lot lately. I mean, I understand it... Are we in agreement? Is everything copacetic? (We said that in the 80's). It's a real word meaning, "just fine". So, being on the same page means, "we cool; we always cool". I usually just tell whoever asks me if we are on the page, "Yeah, sure", just to get them to talk about something else. I usually chose the page not taken... two books diverged in the woods and I chose the page not taken and that has made all the difference. It reminds me of school days when, even then, I could tell that the teacher did not make a rigorous lesson plan. We would read the chapters aloud (NOT out loud, which should really be 'out loudly'...yeah, as an English minor, I can see what people want to hit me... hard.... in the face... with a shovel...) At our class 40th Reunion, the senior class president...