
Showing posts from May, 2017

Quirky Random Thoughts... May 31st 2017

I would like my Tombstone to read, "He was too Cheap to buy extra lett When I walk away it doesn't mean you win... it means I'm going to get backup. Stop looking at your phone. No one texted you. If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried. Is "tired old cliche" one? Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.  Dancing is a perpendicular expression of a horizontal desire

Pain + Anxiety + Depression = A Challenging Life

Anxiety and depression often go hand-in-hand. What many people don’t realize is that people aren’t just anxious because they worry too much. And depressed people aren’t just sad for the sake of being sad. You don’t control your feelings; the chemicals in your brain control your feelings. After struggling for 27 years with constant pain after being struck by a Jeep as a pedestrian, along with chemical imbalances for both depression (not caring) and anxiety (caring too much), I am thrilled that Prince William and Harry are making the conversation of both easier to begin. This week, I had my ‘big time’ consultation with my expert physician who has quite literally saved my life for 27 years—and after tests, and lab work, and blood level scans—he entered the exam room (me in Birthday Suit) and declared, “Without a doubt, you have the most marvelous hair of any man alive! Really, Dr. Goddard, you have beautiful hair..." That was to help with the pain, depression and anxiety—a...

Write articles, television features, marketing and fund-raising, grant writer deluxe!

Larry Goddard 1222 Jeff Davis Drive Tyler, Texas 75703 (903) 312-4991 cell/text Please consider this correspondence as an indication of my sincere and strong interest in employment and/or appointment as for your team.  Below is a quick summary of my career achievements, my dedication to proving myself with great performance, and how I can be an asset to your organization. My experiences have been in the following areas: ü Public relations, writing, public service announcement productions. ü Fundraising, grant writing, grant awarding, board and staff training. ü Event organization such as golf tourneys, academic recognition events, charity galas, and alumni association management. ü Public speaking, writing, ‘pep rallies’ for educators, staff development training, social media expert, and award-winning writer, events, campaigns, artwork design and other activities. Thank you for your kind and generous c...

Resume, Larry Pittman Goddard, Certified Fund Raising Executive, Ordained Clergy

 LARRY PITTMAN GODDARD Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) International 1222 Jeff Davis Drive Tyler, Texas 75703-5540 903.312.4991 Cell The Goddard Company, Tyler, Texas The Goddard Foundation, Tyler, Texas President and Founder ·        Board of Governors; National Organization of Nonprofit Organizations—representing over a million nonprofit entities in America doing social services, educator assistance, and many other services and missions. ·        Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE); consultant, trainer on how to make the ‘ask’ for donations. ·        National and state awards for Texas’ Best Education Communicator (former recipients H. Ross Perot, Henry Cisneros, Linus Wright and others), Texas’ Best Public Relations, Communications and Fund Raising Professional. ·    ...

Eyes Rolling Back in Head in Disgust? Oh, I Invented That....

·        I invented the eye roll in 1958, seriously I started that. ·        If you’re having a bad day go ask a two-year-old to say "Sasquatch." ·        I don't understand interventions. What's the point of being told you have a problem with the room full of the reasons why? ·        When I die I want the Dallas Cowboys and the Texas Rangers to be my Pallbearers so they can let me down one last time. (Go Texans...!) ·        Don't knock the weather. If it didn't change once in a while, nine out of ten people couldn't start a conversation ·        I read some article which said that the symptoms of stress are impulse buying, eating too much and driving too fast. Are they kidding? That's what I call a perfect day. ·        How come the dove gets to be the peace symb...

Facebook Etiquette Should Be Required Reading Before Posting....

The following etiquettes are therefore not something which we should all strictly abide to. Rather, I must emphasize that they are purely guidelines to enhance our social interactions and experience with Facebook. The fact is that there is  no one-size-fits-all  when it comes to social interactions. So, I encourage all of you to take these with a grain of salt and apply them as you deem fit! Five Dos: 1. Message Private Matters Instead of Posting On Wall As much as you may have exhibitionistic tendencies and wants everyone to know your most intimate secrets, others may not share the same inclination. Your friends might not take it too kindly when you post what they did last night at your house party, or any other stuff which are understood to be kept between your closest friends. The fact is that most of their Facebook friends will hear about it in such a public platform. The walls indeed have ears, especially so for the  Facebook Wall . Best to keep these con...