
Showing posts from April, 2019

Mind Meanderings April 29th, 2019

Have you ever said, “I’d pay good money for that.”   Wonder why we say that? Money is neither good nor bad… it’s the person carrying the wallet who loves money too much that is bad… I’d pay good money to fine out.   It may go back to Confederate money; I found some recently amongst my barn of treasures in plastic tubs—40 years of ‘junking’ adds up.   But, on eBay, Confederate money is now worth more than Good Money.   I’m not sure you can sell Confederate Money on eBay; you can’t sell Nazi stuff that’s a for sure/10/4 good buddy.   I knew a man who collected all things Nazi and kept them in his closet.   I was one of the few friends who he let see them, according to his wife.   I asked, “Why in the world would you collect such things?”   He said we must remember the Holocaust DID happen and never forget…. He teared up a bit—a Navy man who saw things that no one should have to see. I took the Nazi helmet and smelled its insides (I have th...

Mind MEAN-anderings, Easter 2019, Part 2 April 22nd 2019

I’ve heard from lots of folks about words that they like or don’t like today. Words are a great way to start a conversation. One such word is the word, “mean”. You can act mean, be mean, or have a mean streak. Some of us in my generation will remember Mean Joe Greene wasn’t so mean when that little boy gave him a Coca Cola after the football game in that famous commercial—he gave the boy his jersey and got a Coke—wonder what became of that boy and his Man Cave Jersey? I think University of North Texas just says they are the Mean Green—so colors can be ‘mean’?… and, really, now, is that being good sportsman? To say you plan to ‘be mean’. Words mean different things. You can say, “I mean it”… or as a close friend says, “I love you and I mean it!” Years ago, I was the new kid. It was my first day at Cooper, Texas Junior (8th grade ... ugh) High School, I wore a blue shirt with blue jean shorts—the kind Mom Goddard would cut off and then cut little ‘flaps’ about a half inc...

Mind Meanderings, Easter, April 21st 2019, Now and Then, Here and There...

Mind Meanderings, Easter Sunday, 2019 I want less visibility on social media outlets… So… I’ve incapacitated my accounts with LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, SnapChat, and left several Facebook groups.   I am considering decapitating Facebook… which is now more like Fussbook. Facebook is the one way to make all those who used to love you begin to hate you; and all those who used to hate you begin to love you.   I like words like ‘scorch’…. As in, “Everything you cook has some scorch to it.”.. I like the word, “pernicious” but have no idea what it means. This year, I have come to the conclusion that the remedy is more painful than the ailment.   But, we need to do the remedy. Is it ignorance or irony that I speak so simply?   (Rhetorical question; no need for ‘honesty hour’ type answers… I am not political.   But, if I were, I’d run on the platform, “Let’s all play ‘The Quiet Game’.” Have you ever heard someone say, “He’s worth his sa...