I like things ... Other than Fletcher's Castoria...October 26, 2018
I Like Things Essay October 26, 2018 I like some things. But, to be fair, there are some things that do not live up to expectations. There are two words which I wish I could erase from my childhood: Fletcher’s Castoria. I like people who remember, “Fletcher’s Castoria”. If you do remember it, you recall the most foul-tasting, super-blaster laxative in the history of ever. A complete gut cleaner… It was Castor Oil on Steroids and tasted like Fido’s ass. (Using imagination, not research here…) I was only absent once in Mrs. Moser’s second grade class. One day. I stayed one block from the school at my Granny Goddard’s house. I had a fever. Granny gave me some Fletcher’s Castoria—and about twenty minutes later, I was running to the Granny’s immaculate bathroom and doing a ‘big job’… I felt so much better. Immediately. She had blue toilet paper which matched her blue tiled walls, blue bathtub and blue toilet. ...