There ain’t no fool like an old fool. I must be missing a word in that saying. It doesn’t accomplish anything. I remember in Sunday school, we were taught never, ever, never call someone else a ‘fool’ … that calling someone that name was a terrible sin … I may or may not have asked, “So, calling someone a son of a ….. is OK?” I was told that curse words were not invented in Bible days. I grew up in a house where ‘stupid’ was a bad name. Kind of sheltered but I lived near worldly neighbors and attended Scouts just to learn dirty jokes. But, “fool” was never in the jokes. Mostly, Aggie jokes which have somewhat gone by the wayside. I’m not sure where the wayside is located, but there is a heck of a lot of stuff there. I like when people use the word, “shortly”…. “I’ll leave here shortly…” I also like ‘directly’ when used as a frame of time … I’ll leave here directly… I’ll solve that problem here shortly and directly … My goal in l...