The least little thing you do or say.... can confound someone the rest of their can a loving word.... July 28th 2019

May 16th 1979.... forty years ago ... Initiation .... 7 brothers ... ignore the paddles and beer ... the hardest thing I have ever done in my life was keep a 4.0 grade point average during pledge ship! Robert Schwab and I've tried to gather contact information; no response at all from John Walker despite four attempts--he is not adviser now? We just want dinner somewhere quiet and talk rationally... Who remembers Mark Bourenske ? Funniest man alive... Look at my sweatage o n the shirt Donna Moore Collum gave me as my Big Sister! ... I was a Sweat Hog... ....That night, I was worried probably because my big brother was John Glaess who could hit a SOFTBALL out of the park! He broke the board and landed up high--like lower spine.... I really was bruised badly (All done AFTER initiation)--but that wasn't the worst thing--something unplanned and mean-spirited happened to me--NOT part of Sigma Chi and the worst thing one human could do to another....