Food For Thought... Oldies ..June 23rd 2019

. The people who need firecracker safety tips aren't the people who read firecracker safety tips.... Always remember and don't ever forget...He who goes forth with a fifth on the Fourth MAY not go forth on the Fifth! There are two secrets to success in Life. #1: Never tell everything you know. I’ve come to the sad realization nobody will ever triumphantly pour Gatorade on me for any reason. There's just so much disappointment in my life. I bet the YMCA dance is a lot harder to do in Chinese. I find it highly suspicious that the three bears had the dexterity to buy furniture and make porridge in the first place, not to mention making up the bedding. And getting a charge card....all highly mysterious to me. What I’m really looking for in a friend is loyalty. And a pool. Mainly just a pool. It would be kind if some people performed random acts of silence. I heard that people who talk to themselves tend to be extremely smart. Did...