Mind Meanderings….March 28th, 2019 … Ever notice how many words that mean, “I have no words”… Blah, Blah, Blah… Nada … No Comment (which is making a comment)… Bric-A-Brac … Yada Yada Yada … “Nada Nada Na”…. Etc. ... Et Cetera… (I got points off in a UIL Ready Writing Contest for not spelling ‘etc.’ out... which I had no idea... all Greek to me…) Oh, when people say, “It’s All Greek to Me”, are telling the truth since so many of our words come from the Greek… I learned that in the movie, “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”… that actress who wrote it was never heard from again… but… I’m drifting…‘and stuff’…. (an old friend used to end all sentences with ‘and stuff’)… “I just called to see what you are doing and stuff”… “We are coming to see you and stuff this weekend and stuff. We are no longer friends … and stuff. There are many sentences that I would like to say, but never had the chance. For example: ** “Over my dead body, Cookie”… ** “I just got back from Wyoming”… never hea...