Keep Your Nose Clean---A Grandfather's Advice
A Grandfather's Advice... “Keep your nose clean”, said my Granddad Pittman in one of his rare philosophical conversations. I remember the conversation, in his Ford truck that always smelled dusty like the white gravel road he drove to the ranch. People still tell me today that they could tell it was Vernon Pittman coming down the road because he drove so fast there was always a huge cloud of dust around his truck. “You have intelligence and I’m proud of you, son, for that,” said Granddad—one of the few relatives who would say those words: I am proud of you. “But, no matter how smart you are, son,” he continued, “you have got to keep your nose clean.” He usually was lively and funny, and I loved him with all my heart. I regret not showing more affection to him—he had a dairy, peanut farm, ranch—and when he was either coming to see us or we were at his house—he didn’t shave; it would take too much time away from being with us grandki...