A Gracious Plenty of Life.... Number One April 22nd 2017
A Gracious Plenty: Quirky Ideas, Thoughts and Ideas By Larry Pittman Goddard, Ph.D. 1. Thirty-seven times! That’s how many times I said, “I’m sorry,” at my last visit to the grocery store—when my cart nearly collided with another shopper coming around a corner; when I had to walk in between someone studying the cereals (why are there so many?); when I needed to reach in front of the stocker employee and get one of the things he was neatly stocking. BUT, psychiatrists tell us that hurts our ego, our level of depression and our self-worth—we must eliminate the words,” I’m sorry,” out of our vocabulary unless it is something truly important…we are told to use, “Pardon me”, “Pardon”, or just “Thank you”. Try it and see if your spirits are boosted! 2. Rather than donating clothes to charity—save them for your next trip—in fact, you can store the clothes in your ready-to-go suitcase. Usually you are not trying to impress...